In a coffee agroforestry system, the four types of ecosystem services can be found. Provisioning services are coffee beans, fruits from other trees within the system, and wood from timber trees. Pollination of coffee flowers performed by bees is helpful to increase the yields for Robusta and Arabica varieties contributing to regulating services. Cultural services...
Read MoreAbout 1.2 billion people rely on agroforestry. Wherever these systems are implemented, they enhance the efficient use of sunlight, retain moisture, provide more plant nutrients, and other ecological services that we will tackle immediately after. Discover the coffee agroforestry systems!
Read MoreCompanies producing disposable bio-based compostable cups made of polylactic acid (PLA) claim that these types of cups will return into the soil, closing the cycle. However, studies show that reusable cups are more sustainable than disposable biodegradable cups.
Read MoreMany of these materials have been created with a good environmental intention; however, do not always end up as the most sustainable solution. There are two important terms that should be separated: bio-based plastics and biodegradable bio-based plastics.
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