Circular Coffee Fund

you can make an impact
by using smart savings

avoid disposables and support coffee farmers



We are the Circular Coffee Fund. We are a joint effort between coffee professionals, sustainability experts and development workers to support and enhance diverse ecological practices in origin and consumer countries.


The investments are made accordingly coffee farmers’ proposals, which strengthens horizontal governance processes within the coffee chain.

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The CCF is based in face-to-face relations. We know the coffee farmers with who we work. We are involved in a relation of more than 18 years with many of them.


The CCF does not respond to a limited time-frame as developing projects from international institutions which many times have showed been unsustainable.


How does it work?

the just swap it cup

The black cup system - transparent.png

Let’s boost circular initiatives in the Netherlands!

The coffee drinkers pay only €5 to join to the system. Drink your coffee, and then return the dirty cup in any participant cafe. We are bringing the idea of “custodianship” rather than “ownership”. The reusable cups are shared between users, and the cafes in the network make sure these cups will be totally clean and ready for the next coffee drinker.

More information here!


from circular initiatives of coffee drinkers, towards circular initiatives of coffee farmers.

There are many ways how you can join and contribute. The core approach: get rid of your waste, save money with this, and donate savings to the fund.

do you need some inspiration? check out our explanatory video


 Why would you join?


you want to connect to your coffee farmer

By knowing the person who produces your food and drinks, you prevent unhealthy trade relations.


you are annoyed by unnecessary waste

Avoid unnecessary waste. It’s difficult, but a lot of small steps can lead to a different world.


you want direct farm impact

We know the coffee farmers directly, and maybe you do as well. Let’s support them directly without intermediaries.


you want to secure your cup of coffee

Coffee is under threat: by climate change and by paying our farmers too little. Let’s support a sustainable culture and secure the future of our favorite beverage.


who are you supporting?

colombia - Argote Specialty Coffee

Plot size: 53 hectares (including partner farmers)

Sustainability goals: no more chemical fertilisers and investment in a water efficient wetmill at the Lasso Argote and Salomon Muñoz families' coffee fields.

Farmers and family members impacted: ± 60

Social media: Argote Specialty Coffee (Instagram and Facebook)


peru - cepro yanesha coffee cooperative

Plot size: 2 hectares on average (303 hectares of coffee in total)

Sustainability goals: reduce the ecological footprint of Yanesha coffee and create a sustainable income and retirement for the Yanesha coffee producers.

Farmers and family members impacted: 150 farmers

Social media: CAC CEPRO Yanesha (Facebook)


Thailand - Doi pangkhon

Plot size: 40 hectares managed by the Doi Pangkhon cooperative

Sustainability goals: full shade on all coffee producing mountain slopes, 20% so far. Consequently, no more chemical pesticides and therefore fully organic coffee production.

Farmers and family members impacted: ± 60

Social media: Ata farm Pangkhon (Instagram)

Doi Saket.jpg

Got your own coffee growing community that you’d like to support? Let us know!



A large community leaves a much more lasting impact than you or us alone. Let's make a difference together.


about US


The fund

The Circular Coffee Fund is a non profit collaboration between the non governmental organization Progreso and the social enterprises This Side Up and the Circular Coffee Collective.

With more than 18 years of experience, Progreso has assisted more than 300.000 farmers from over 100 producer organizations on the topics of crop yields, forest conservation and soil health improvements.

As a coffee importer, This Side Up strives to change the way coffee is traded and focuses on full transparency, equal partnerships and broad sustainability within its 11 producing countries.

The Circular Coffee Collective helps organizations with the transition towards the circular economy, starting with their cup of coffee. 

Having such mutual interests, it only felt natural to join forces in the Circular Coffee Fund. We work together to achieve real sustainable impact, fully transparant and in a collaborative, respectful way based on the egality of all actors.



the details

We're here to help. Feel free to reach out through the contact form below. Excited and motivated to just transfer your own savings? Please do!

 The bank account is run by Progreso under following details:

IBAN: NL68 RABO 0331 3901 16
Name: Stichting Progreso Foundation


the board

In order guarantee the transparency and accountability of the fund, the Circular Coffee Fund has founded a board of experts. These people share their expertise for free, and help to increase the impact of the fund.

Maarten van Keulen. Founder and circular economy expert.

Maarten van Keulen. Founder and circular economy expert.

Lennart Clerkx. Founder and expert in sustainable coffee trade.

Lennart Clerkx. Founder and expert in sustainable coffee trade.

Isabel van Bemmelen. Sustainable development and finance expert.

Isabel van Bemmelen. Sustainable development and finance expert.

Henrik Siepelmeyer. Sustainable behavior and nudging expert.

Henrik Siepelmeyer. Sustainable behavior and nudging expert.

Ignace Breemer ter Stege. Coffee trade and legal expert.

Ignace Breemer ter Stege. Coffee trade and legal expert.

Johan Kuin. Hospitality manager and innovator.

Johan Kuin. Hospitality manager and innovator.

Iona Mulder. Social sustainability expert.

Iona Mulder. Social sustainability expert.

Laurens Speelman. Sustainable initiatives implementation expert.

Laurens Speelman. Sustainable initiatives implementation expert.

Danielle Jiskoot. Supply chain and sustainability expert.

Danielle Jiskoot. Supply chain and sustainability expert.